View Comments. When it was founded back in , Twitter’s programmers used Ruby on Rails. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Lucas … plus, colleges are starting to push Python instead of Java.
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When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems four years ago, it quickly and ruthlessly started tearing out the unprofitable stuff. Sun was a company run by engineers, a Xerox-PARC-like outfit where a cool idea about the next big thing was all it took to get a budget. But Oracle is run by the accountants. Inside Larry Ellison’s company, either the numbers add up, or your project dies. As it turns out, many of the key ideas behind today’s hottest trends were thought up by Sun engineers, but Sun was forced to watch as other companies — Amazon, Google, and so on, and so forth — reaped the rewards. Oracle wasn’t going to let that happen again.
PopSockets Asks Congress to Rein in Big Tech
When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems four years ago, it quickly and ruthlessly started tearing out the unprofitable stuff. Sun was a company run by engineers, a Xerox-PARC-like outfit where a cool idea about the next big thing was all it took to get a budget. But Oracle is run by the accountants.
Inside Larry Ellison’s company, either the numbers add up, or your project dies. As it turns out, many of the key ideas behind today’s hottest trends were thought up by Sun uow, but Sun was forced to watch as other companies — Amazon, Google, and so on, and so forth — reaped the rewards. Oracle wasn’t going to let that happen. As WIRED reported todaythe Java development platform is experiencing a renaissance of sorts, as hot web companies grow out of their mids programming tools and look for something that can help them more effectively juggle tens or even hundreds of millions of users.
Invented by Sun, Java is now overseen by Oracle, and yet, as those big web companies embrace Java in such a big way, Oracle is on the outside looking in. When it was founded back inTwitter’s programmers used Ruby on Rails. But as the service grew, it became clear that Ruby wasn’t the best way to juggle tweets from millions of people across the globe. Inside these companies, there are omney of servers running the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM, a piece of software the executes programming code.
And the JVM is built by Oracle. But it’s available under an open source license, which means the company is fostering one of the hottest trends on the internet, while missing out on licensing fees. Take LinkedIn. It uses the free JVM, but that doesn’t help Oracle’s bottom line. Oracle clearly likes licensing fees.
It launched a high profile and, amongst developers, unpopular lawsuit against Google, saying that the search giant should pay Oracle copyright licensing fees after building a copy of oarcle Java virtual machine. Oracle lost that case, but it’s appealing the verdict. Oracle has actually opened up Java even more — getting rid of some of the closed-door machinations that used to be part of the Java standards-making process.
Java has been raked over the coals for security problems over coes past few years, but Oracle has kept regular updates coming. And it’s working on a major upgrade to Java, due early next year.
But it’s hard to tell how much dough Oracle actually makes from the platform. To be sure, Oracle does have a financial interest in Java. The company makes a lot of money selling an expensive and widely used Java middleware server called the Oracle Weblogic Server. And it makes money ofacle Java to companies such as IBM so they can ship it with their servers.
But the widely used open source JVM is not a big money maker. Oracle can make some money from companies that want bug-fixes for obsolete versions, but that’s about it.
We asked Oracle javz a comment on its Java plans on Friday, but by press time Tuesday night, the company still couldn’t find anyone willing how does oracle company make money from java discuss. Photo: Oracle.
Except that it. View Comments. Sponsored Stories Powered By Outbrain. That’s Small Change. More business. Big Dreams. Author: Klint Finley Klint Finley.
Author: Louise Matsakis Louise Matsakis. Author: Will Knight Will Knight. Machine Drawing. Author: Tom Simonite Tom Simonite. Author: Garrett M. Graff Garrett M. Permanent Record. Author: Paris Martineau Paris Martineau.
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You do realize that Java 10 is now available and still free and is completely compatible with Java 8? Knosis says:. The productivity of our Java team is so much lower than our Python guys. Developer Training. The new reason for Python to grow towards Java replacement. Now Oracle owns them. This is a great way to kill off Java completely. Does it earn money through training or certification? This should be the push needed to move on. Currently updates for Java v6 and v7 are how does oracle company make money from java for commercial versions. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Well up until about a few years ago they made money off their servers and support for them and other products. Many large powerful computers that ran distributed mission critical applications could not fail and required such guarantees.
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