Blackfathom Deeps Quests. Rated «T». One of the biggest constraints with trying to make gold on one character is that you can only be in one place at a time. If you have something like leatherworking , then you should definitely have skinning so you will naturally acquire materials during your adventures.
Gold Making Guide for Shamans
Discovering ways to make money in World of Warcraft is an important part of getting the most enjoyment out of the game. There are many different and effective ways to make enough money for repairsconsumablesequipmentand other items. Some players attempt to purchase gold from third party gold sellers. This form shaman money making guide wow making money is against Blizzard Entertainment ‘s terms of service and may lead to a permanent ban on an account. It may also lead to real world identity theft or theft of the purchaser’s WoW account depending on the reliability and intentions of the gold selling company. There are four major money making strategies; farmingcraftingdaily quests and using the auction house. The amount of gold earned depends on the dedication of the player, the economy of the auction house on the server, the server ratios of casual, serious and hardcore players and time periods surrounding a major patch.
Important Concepts to Consider
Forgot your password? By gotmilk , February 3, in Shaman. Another short class leveling guide, this time for Shaman. Never leveled a Shaman until Nost 2. These are my findings.
How to Make Gold
Forgot your password? By gotmilkFebruary 3, in Shaman. Another short class leveling guide, this time for Shaman. Never leveled a Shaman until Nost 2. These are my findings. Shaman is overall a pretty good leveling class. It’s very versatile with both good melee attacks and great spells, as well as self-healing and a plethora of buff and utility totems.
There’s a reason why the old «That’s the WoW that you play» song calls Shaman «the most overpowered class»! For leveling, you will want to go full Enhancement. I see lots of people claiming that Ele is good, but really, Ele does not even come close to Enhancement until level 40 or so, when you’ve got all of the useful talents for it. Even then, Enhancement is still faster, because you don’t have to drink as. I’ve also heard people say that you should go Ele for Elemental Devastation, but So Elemental Devastation is rarely going to proc unless you’re using lightning spells all the time, which is going to run your mana down and force you to drink a lot.
So yeah, I’d recommend just going full Enh from the start, then putting the rest of your points in Resto or Ele trees after Either one works. Either way, you’re going to get a damage increase and a mana reduction, to some part of shsman spellbook. Shamaj, I would go towards Resto, as the 30yd totem range is amazing, and you get groups so much easier as a healer. Shaman talents are pretty straightforward.
Most of the talents are obvious and self-explanatory, for the most. Imp Ghost Wolf makes Ghost Wolf so much better to use, no more having to sit there for 3 seconds and cast. Also makes it much more usable in combat, as it’s much harder to get pushback on a 1-second cast. Rest of the points into Thundering Strikes. The reason why I take Anticipation is because the other talents are pretty shit.
Imp Lightning Shield doesn’t provide that much of a damage increase, Guardian Totems is also crap, and so guixe Enhancing Totems. Tiny shaman money making guide wow to strength for makng talent points? Yeah, no, fuck. The dodge you get from Anticipation is much better. This talent is just shaman money making guide wow amazing with Windfury. Often times, one of your three Windfury attacks will be a crit, leading to easy Flurry procs.
Weapon Mastery and Stormstrike are obvious choices. Improved Weapon Totems is useless for solo leveling, as you only use shamn totems in groups. Even then, the bonus is not enough to justify 2 talent points. It makes totem placement SO much easier, as you don’t have to worry about running up close to melee range to place those Windfury totems, or making sure that Grace of Air is being applied to both melee and ranged. I swapped to this spec at 46, mostly because I was frustrated at the short totem range.
Didn’t really notice much of a decrease in damage, despite dropping Stormstrike and Weapon Mastery. Elemental Focus is also a really nice boon to your mana, and Elemental Devastation is pretty nice for when you get the occasional spell crit.
After that, the last 6 points you can pretty much put wherever you want, based on what you’ll be doing. You can still quest just fine, but you’re going to shamam doing these dungeons lot for gear, so you might as well get EXP for it.
I managed to heal Strat UD at 59 without wiping. While it’s not exactly optimal, you CAN go Elemental, once you hit At early levels, Ele is shit because Lightning Bolt has a 3 second cast time and you have no pushback resistance, and no reliable way ,oney keep the mobs off you and still cast, that guude.
I switched to Ele at 51 just to try it out, and found that it works pretty fuckin’ good. Went ahead and just leveled to 60 as Ele, as a change of pace from Enhancement. Pros: -Much faster kill speed -Big crits, can burst things down really fast -Don’t have to worry about upgrading weapons, just train new spell ranks -No having to carry around two sets of gear agi for questing, int for healingyou can just wear your int set all the time.
Cons: -Way more downtime, have to sit and drink every 3 or 4 mobs -If you run out of mana, you have to run away unless the mob is low on health -Spell damage is hard to come by, outside of crafted stuff like Dreamweave -Very hard to kill mobs with high nature resist. Make sure to use Elemental Mastery. It’s a nice damage CD and mana-saver. I always forget to use it, so I just macro’d it to Lightning Bolt. You can also save it if you want, and only use it for emergencies if you’re OOM or.
You can also use Lightning Shield in place of Flame Saman, as it is slightly more mana efficient in terms of damage per mana, past rank 2. Not a whole lot, but it adds up over time. And you can buff it long before combat.
Once you get Stormstrike at 40 however, you should consider not using Flame Shock or Searing Totem anymore. Reason being that Stormstrike is so mana-intensive, that if you try to use guude alongside Searing and Flame Shock, you’ll burn right through your mana and be drinking every mobs. Not fun. I found that with a decent amount of Spirit gear, I was able to use JUST Stormstrike, no totems, and go mobs without having to drink.
But if you’ve got tons of mage water and don’t mind drinking, go right ahead and use Lightning Shield as. Strength will give you more melee attack power, Stam will give you more survivability, and most importantly, Agi will give you more crit as well as more dodge. Not only does it give you crit, but it also gives you maikng. Pretty sweet. Spirit is actually pretty nice for Shamans, as you’re going to be spending a lot of time regen’ing while you autoattack.
Don’t go out of your way to get spirit gear, though, just Since most people are convinced that Spirit is a shit stat, blue gear with Spirit on it will sell for real cheap. So for the most part, all stats are good. When it comes to weapons, you will want to start out using a fast Dagger anything below 1. If you get a really good 2h weapon though, feel free to use it and Rockbiter.
Once you hit 30 and get Windfury, you have the option of using 2h and Windfury, or continuing with daggers and Flametongue. People will claim that Windfury is better than Flametongue, or Flametongue is better than Windfury, but in my experience, it all boils down to whatever weapon you. If your best weapon is a 2h, use Windfury. If your best weapon is a dagger, use Flametongue.
On a PvP server though, you’ll definitely want the extra survivability of a shield, so go with Flametongue the whole way. For 2h weapon speed, you don’t want to go over 3. So if you use a super slow weapon, you’re going to have a really low Windfury proc chance, overall. Anything between 2. In PvP, you want a really slow weapon so you can potentially 2shot clothies; in leveling, you want a faster weapon for more consistent WF procs.
Really nice speed, and has a little chunk of Int on it. I snagged one for just 2g off the AH. If you’re short on gold, you could pick up a Pearl-Handled Dagger instead. Drops from last boss in SFK. Decent speed, nice damage, and the proc happens fairly. Absolutely sick 1. I got one for about 5g off the Makung, after frustrations of Meteor Shard not dropping.
Good damage for questing, and a huge amount of int to help you heal dungeons. The arcane damage is useless though, and causes lots of people to sell this staff for cheap. I snagged one for 3g off the AH. No stats, but it has a shadow bolt proc on guidd. Usually sells for cheap. Great damage and amazing stats, but it may be hard to get since literally every caster wants it. Try to get a group with as few casters as possible.
Again, great damage and a gude chunk of int. Really nice Shaman weapon. It has great damage, but no stats, and the proc is Which makes it kind of bad for Enhancement. Pretty nice, I guess.
Warriors will not take this weapon unless makinf current weapon is shit, because they’ll already have WW Axe which is better. Sick weapon speed and a nice slowing proc that seems to proc pretty. Has better damage than Ravager, as well as a huge chunk of Spirit, and some strength.
I picked this up for 8g off the AH, simply because I was tired of having to fuck around with the Bladestorm proc. Solid Shaman weapon.
WoW Classic — How to SOLO dm e jump runs as Elemental shaman! (17 min runs!)
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